
Unfall in Odelzhausen: 21-Jähriger rammt Auto – Frau verletzt!

In Odelzhausen kam es am Sonntagmorgen zu einem folgenschweren Crash: Ein 21-jähriger Autofahrer übersah die 41-jährige Fahrerin, die leicht verletzt ins Krankenhaus musste, während er unverletzt blieb – jetzt droht ihm ein Strafverfahren!

In Odelzhausen, a traffic accident on Sunday left a 41-year-old woman with minor injuries. According to police, a 21-year-old man from Aichach-Friedberg reversed his Opel from a driveway onto Sittenbach Straße at around 8 AM without noticing the woman driving toward Odelzhausen. The collision resulted in damage to both vehicles, estimated in the mid-four-digit range, but thankfully, the woman was the only one injured.

The injured driver was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment, while the Opel driver emerged unscathed. Following the incident, authorities initiated a criminal proceeding against the young man for negligent bodily injury. Details of the accident and further developments can be found in the report auf

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