Bulgarien und MünchenSofia

Shelly Group bringt Smart Control App in ausgewählte Audi-Modelle

Shelly Group, a provider of IoT and smart building solutions based in Sofia, Bulgaria, is launching a native version of its Shelly Smart Control App in selected Audi models. The app, which is based on the Android Automotive OS, will be available through the Audi Application Store, allowing customers to easily control their smart home features through their vehicle’s infotainment system. This includes functions such as automatically opening and closing the garage door and turning on the lights in the garage or throughout the house when arriving home or leaving.

The integration of the Shelly Smart Control App into the Audi Application Store is a collaboration between Shelly Group, CARIAD (the software company of the Volkswagen Group), and Harman Ignite. This partnership enables customers to access a variety of popular third-party apps seamlessly integrated into the vehicle’s infotainment system. Regular online updates will ensure that the apps are up to date.

Dimitar Dimitrov, CEO and founder of Shelly Group, expressed excitement about becoming part of Audi’s digital ecosystem, stating that the user is at the center of their app’s new features and functionalities. The native integration of their app into Audi’s infotainment system allows for enhanced customer orientation and technological leadership. Wolfgang Kirsch, CEO of Shelly Group, emphasized the importance of technology integration across different ecosystems and the growing significance of intelligent technology in merging various aspects of life.

The Shelly Smart Control App has already been integrated into numerous products and services offered by renowned partners. The app’s technological advancements align with Audi’s standards of exclusivity and performance.

In summary, Shelly Group is bringing its Shelly Smart Control App to selected Audi models, allowing users to control their smart home features through their vehicle’s infotainment system. This integration is a collaboration between Shelly Group, CARIAD, and Harman Ignite. The app offers various functionalities, such as opening and closing the garage door and controlling lights. Shelly Group is excited to become part of Audi’s digital ecosystem, focusing on user-oriented features. The company emphasizes the growing importance of technology integration and its role in merging different areas of life.

Quelle: Shelly Group / ots

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